Friday, July 16, 2010

The Joy of Daily Practice

I am so grateful today; I am discovering that all my stress and whining about how I wish I had a daily practice seems to disappear when I just get up and PRACTICE.

While hooping, I have extended periods of what Tolle likes to refer to as "no-mind"...and also moments of overwhelming bliss.

And while my practice is not necessarily trick-centered, I did feel proud when today I was able to do a "Kick-Start" for the first time to raise the hoop from the floor to my knees, and eventually, waist. I only got the move a few times, and I bruised up my ankle in the process, but it feels good sometime just to prove to ourselves that we CAN learn something new.

Here is a link to a video which really helped me with break down the move so that it was finally do-able:

My next goal is to master keeping several hoops spinning at once (at knees, waist, upper torso, and raised arm/hand), and to do so with grace and fluidity...
I am thinking I will need 4 hoops that are all the same size and weight to make it easier!

Wish me luck!